Akshay Kumar's latest film, Sky Force, has opened to fantastic numbers at the box office, earning Rs 10.81 crore on its first day. This action-packed movie, which marks the debut of Veer Pahariya, tells the story of India's retaliatory attack on Pakistan in 1965. Despite facing competition from other releases, Sky Force has surpassed Akshay's previous films' opening day collections. This boost comes as a relief for the star, whose last hit was OMG 2, almost two years ago. To stay updated with the latest news from the world of cinema, follow Screen Digital on YouTube now.
Celebrity hairstylist Darshan Yewalekar has spilled the beans on how he achieved Akshay Kumar's salt-and-pepper hair and Veer Pahariya's moustache look in the upcoming film Sky Force. In an exclusive interview with Mid-day Hindi, Yewalekar shares the behind-the-scenes details of how he transformed the actors for their respective roles. Don't miss this behind-the-scenes insight into the styling of two heartthrobs!