The Congress party is facing backlash from Prime Minister Modi over their election manifesto, as he accuses them of wanting to distribute wealth to "infiltrators" and those with more children. Congress chief Kharge has requested a meeting with PM Modi to address this issue and clarify that the manifesto does not target any religious group. He believes that Modi's remarks are a diversion tactic to deflect from more pressing issues in the country.
After a long and illustrious career, Air India's Boeing 747, affectionately known as the "Queen of the Skies," made its final journey from Mumbai International Airport today. The remaining four planes were sold by the Tata Group, the new owner being US-based AerSale with plans for freight conversions and disassembly. Airlines mourned the end of an era, with former Jet Airways CEO Sanjiv Kapoor expressing regret that one could not be retained as a museum in honor of its founder, JRD Tata.