Actress Aditi Rao Hydari took to Instagram to announce her engagement to actor Siddharth. The couple showed off their engagement rings from the town of Sri Rangapuram in Telangana, with Aditi's ring featuring two solitaires and Siddharth's gold band having a red line. This news comes after the couple has reportedly been dating since starring in the 2021 film Maha Samudram. While rumours of a wedding have been circulating, they were further fuelled when Aditi skipped an event to promote her upcoming web series, with the host claiming she had already tied the knot with Siddharth.
Actors Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth have reportedly tied-the-knot secretly in a temple in Wanaparthy, Telangana. According to reports, the two got married in a quiet ceremony but have not made any official announcement yet. The couple's relationship was confirmed earlier this year by Aditi herself, and they have been together since working on a film in 2021.
After years of keeping their relationship private, Bollywood actors Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth have reportedly gotten married in a low-key ceremony at a temple in Telangana. The couple is expected to make an announcement soon about their nuptials on social media. This news comes just a day after actress Taapsee Pannu also got married in a private ceremony.
Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth, two prominent Indian actors, have surprised fans by revealing that they are now officially married. The couple reportedly had a private wedding ceremony at a temple in Telangana, adding to the ongoing trend of intimate and low-key celebrations due to the pandemic. Photos shared by the bride on social media have caused a buzz among fans, who are eagerly awaiting more details from the newlyweds.