Indian businessman and CEO of Serum Institute of India, Adar Poonawalla, has invested Rs 1000 Cr in Karan Johar's production house, Dharma Productions. This deal has been confirmed by Karan himself and has been met with a witty response from actor Jaaved Jaaferi. The collaboration between these two successful figures is expected to bring forth a mix of emotional storytelling and innovative business strategies.
Serene Productions, led by Adar Poonawalla, has acquired a 50% stake in popular Indian production house Dharma Productions and its subsidiary Dharmatic Entertainment for a whopping ₹1,000 crore. The remaining 50% stake will be retained by Dharma's Executive Chairman, Karan Johar. This deal was advised by law firms JSA and AZB & Partners, with top lawyers such as Iqbal Khan and Devika Menon leading the transaction. This major acquisition in the entertainment industry shows the growing dominance of Serene Productions in the market.
In a recent interview, the rising star Triptii Dimri shared her journey of transformation from being shy and lacking confidence to becoming a confident actor. She credits her success to setting achievable goals, developing skills, seeking feedback, and practicing self-compassion. Experts also weigh in on the process of building confidence, which includes celebrating small achievements and maintaining a positive outlook.
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