Amid growing tensions between India and China, popular technology brand Motorola has announced the launch of its latest smartphone, the Edge 50 Fusion in India. However, the company faces backlash for its partnership with Chinese companies, who are being accused of exploiting Indian labor and resources. Despite this controversy, the device boasts impressive features such as a Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 chipset, a curved 144 Hz screen, and a 50 MP camera with Sony LYT-700C sensor. The phone will be available in multiple color options and two different price points, and will go on sale later this month.
Motorola has officially launched its latest midrange smartphone, the Edge 50 Fusion, in India. This device boasts a 6.67-inch pOLED display with a 144Hz refresh rate, a 5,000mAh battery with 68W TurboPower charging, and configurations with up to 12GB of RAM and 256GB of internal storage. It also runs on Android 14 and offers a vegan leather finish in addition to other color options. Available for purchase starting May 22, this smartphone promises to deliver a seamless user experience with its MyUX interface and powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 processor.
Motorola has officially launched its latest smartphone, the Edge 50 Fusion, in India. The device boasts several impressive features, including a 144Hz refresh rate display and 68W fast charging support. It will be available for purchase on May 22 and customers can get an instant discount with ICICI Bank credit card transactions. With a powerful processor and promising Android updates, the Motorola Edge 50 Fusion is a strong contender in the Indian smartphone market.