A 48-year-old woman from Andhra Pradesh fell into a sinkhole in Kuala Lumpur, triggering a five-day search operation by authorities. The woman, identified as Vijaya Lakshmi Gali, was swept away by an underground water current after the pavement beneath her collapsed. The Indian High Commission in Malaysia has been in close contact with the relevant agencies and the woman's family. Meanwhile, the BJP government has approved a Unified Pension Scheme for Central government employees in an attempt to appease angry employees and regain support in upcoming state elections.
Sinkhole Incident in Kuala Lumpur Raises Concerns
A 48-year-old woman from India named Vijaya Lakshmi Gali fell into a sinkhole in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on October 2, 2022. The incident occurred on a pedestrian walkway near the iconic Petronas Twin Towers.
The pavement beneath Gali suddenly collapsed, and she was swept away by an underground water current. Rescue crews immediately began searching for her, but the operation was hampered by heavy rain and poor visibility.
Search and Rescue Operation
The search operation lasted for five days before Gali's body was finally recovered. The Indian High Commission in Malaysia worked closely with Malaysian authorities and Gali's family throughout the ordeal.
The incident has raised concerns about the safety of infrastructure in Kuala Lumpur, especially considering that this was not the first sinkhole to occur in the city.
Unified Pension Scheme
In a separate development, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in India has approved a Unified Pension Scheme for Central government employees. This scheme is intended to appease angry employees and regain support in upcoming state elections.
The Unified Pension Scheme will replace the existing multiple pension schemes for central government employees. It is expected to provide a more transparent and simplified pension system.
1. What is a sinkhole?
A sinkhole is a depression in the ground that forms when the surface collapses due to the erosion of underlying soil or rock.
2. What causes sinkholes?
Sinkholes can be caused by natural factors such as the dissolution of limestone or the erosion of soil, or by human activities such as construction or mining.
3. Are sinkholes dangerous?
Sinkholes can be dangerous if they collapse suddenly, causing injuries or death. They can also damage infrastructure and property.
4. What is the Unified Pension Scheme?
The Unified Pension Scheme is a new pension scheme for Central government employees in India. It replaces multiple existing schemes and aims to provide a more transparent and simplified system.
5. Why is the BJP government approving the Unified Pension Scheme?
The BJP government is approving the Unified Pension Scheme in an attempt to appease angry employees and regain support in upcoming state elections.
Union Minister of Education Dharmendra Pradhan has released the draft guidelines for the UGC (Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, 2025. These new regulations aim to bring flexibility, inclusivity, and excellence in faculty recruitment and career progression in Indian higher education institutions. They also align with the goals of the New Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020) and place emphasis on Indian languages and interdisciplinary backgrounds. Additionally, the guidelines include specialized recruitment pathways for fields such as Yoga, Music, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Sculpture, and Drama to attract the best talent and preserve India's cultural heritage.
Hickman, a former Parkland High School student, is scheduled to appear in Forsyth Superior Court for slapping a teacher and making threats towards her. The incident was captured on a viral video which showed the teacher remaining calm as she was assaulted and verbally abused. Hickman's case was continued by Judge Aaron Berlin on Monday.
Self-styled godman Asaram, who was convicted in two separate rape cases, has been granted interim bail by the Supreme Court on medical grounds. However, the bail is only until March 31 and he will remain in jail as he has to obtain bail in another rape case. Asaram's request for bail was based on his deteriorating health condition, for which he had previously received treatment in Pune and AIIMS Jodhpur. The Supreme Court also ordered police officers to escort him to the hospital for treatment without imposing any restrictions on where he should go.
In response to concerns raised about discrepancies in voter turnout and vote counting, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar clarified the process of EVM commissioning and security measures. He assured the public that EVMs are tamper-proof and backed his statements with court judgments stating that hacking or altering results is impossible. Kumar also explained the mock poll process done in the presence of election agents to further ensure transparency.
The life and papacy of Pope Innocent XI, previously known as Benedetto Odescalchi, was marked by his deep devotion to piety and his relentless efforts to reduce expenses and fight against nepotism in the Curia. He gained admiration from the people of Ferrara as a "father of the poor", and as pope, he faced challenges from Louis XIV of France on the issue of "Gallican Liberties" and ambassadorial immunities. Despite a long period of ill health, Innocent XI left a lasting legacy of selflessness and service, leading to his eventual beatification in 1956.
The Election Commission has put an end to speculation about electronic voting machine (EVM) manipulation, stating that the machines are tamper-proof and have consistently upheld the principles of fair elections. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar also addressed concerns about alleged discrepancies in voter lists, asserting that the preparation of electoral rolls is a transparent process involving political parties at every stage. These announcements were made as the dates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections were announced, with polling to take place on February 5 and counting on February 8.
The Delhi Police has vehemently opposed the bail plea of accused in the Delhi riots case, citing the stringent provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). ASG Chetan Sharma argued that the accused were part of a clinical, pathological and planned conspiracy by forces inimical to India, and referred to Supreme Court verdicts to support his argument. The accused, including Umar Khalid and Sharjeel Imam, have been in prison for many years and have sought bail citing delay in trial. However, Sharma blamed them for the delay and argued that mere delay cannot be a ground for bail under UAPA.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has accused the BJP-led Centre of taking away the official residence of Delhi Chief Minister Atishi by cancelling the allotment. In response, Atishi has stated that she is willing to work for the people of Delhi from the streets if needed. With the upcoming Delhi assembly elections in 2025, the Election Commission of India has announced the poll schedule, with voting taking place on February 5 and results on February 8. Furthermore, the Delhi CM's refusal to accept alternative housing options provided by the Public Works Department has sparked controversy and led to the cancellation of the offer.
After nine years in office, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation as leader of the ruling Liberal Party. He cited the need for a "real choice" in the upcoming election and acknowledged the decline in his popularity due to issues such as inflation and housing crisis. A Liberal Party MP further explained that Canadian's fatigue with Trudeau played a role in his decision to step down.
Patna District Magistrate, Dr. Chandrashekhar Singh, has defended the detention of 43 individuals, including political strategist Prashant Kishor, during protests over BPSC exams. Singh stated that the protest at Gandhi Maidan was illegal and despite warnings, protesters refused to vacate. An FIR was filed and 15 vehicles were seized. Verification has shown that 30 out of the 43 detained individuals were not students, and Dr. Singh has warned of strict action against any future illegal protests.