Himachal Pradesh Chief Electoral Commissioner Maneesh Garg has announced that in the upcoming byelections, voters will have ink put on their middle finger instead of their forefinger to prevent confusion with the ink still on from the Lok Sabha elections. This decision has been made to ensure fair and accurate polling. In light of recent debates about "love jihad", Bollywood actor Swara Bhasker has spoken out against trolling for interfaith marriages, predicting a similar backlash for Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's upcoming interfaith wedding.
Himachal Pradesh Byelections: Ink on Middle Fingers to Prevent Confusion
Himachal Pradesh Chief Electoral Commissioner Maneesh Garg has announced a unique measure to prevent confusion during the upcoming byelections. Voters will now have indelible ink applied to their middle finger instead of their forefinger, the usual practice.
This decision stems from the fact that the Lok Sabha elections were held recently, and some voters may still have ink on their forefingers. To avoid any potential confusion or allegations of illegal voting, the Election Commission has opted for a different finger to mark voters.
Background of Interfaith Marriages in India
The announcement of Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha's upcoming interfaith marriage with Muslim actor Zaheer Iqbal has sparked debates about "love jihad," a term often used by right-wing groups to allege that Muslim men are marrying Hindu women to convert them to Islam.
Swara Bhasker's Response
Bollywood actor Swara Bhasker has condemned trolling and backlash against interfaith marriages, predicting that Sinha and Iqbal will also face similar challenges. Bhasker, who herself is married to a Muslim man, has been vocal about her support for interfaith relationships.
Top 5 FAQs and Answers
1. Why is ink being applied to the middle finger in Himachal Pradesh byelections? Answer: To prevent confusion with the ink still present on the forefinger from the Lok Sabha elections.
2. What is "love jihad"? Answer: A term used by right-wing groups to allege that Muslim men are marrying Hindu women to convert them to Islam.
3. Why is Swara Bhasker speaking out against trolling of interfaith marriages? Answer: Because she herself is married to a Muslim man and believes in the right to marry across religious lines.
4. When is Sonakshi Sinha's wedding with Zaheer Iqbal? Answer: The wedding date has not yet been announced.
5. Is it legal to marry across religious lines in India? Answer: Yes, it is legal to marry across religious lines in India under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
Amidst controversy and protests, Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha held a ceremony to honor Nathuram Godse, the man who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. Led by Mahasabha leader Pandit Ashok Sharma, the event involved traditional rituals and a call to eliminate 'Gandhism' from India. The move to honor the families of Godse and Apte was met with widespread criticism, with many calling for the Indian government to revoke Gandhi's title as the 'Father of the Nation.'
As the Delhi Assembly elections approach, Congress party has released a new campaign song called "Har Jarurat Hogi Puri, Dilli Mein Congress Hai Jaruri." The 2.48 minute anthem highlights the dissatisfaction of Delhi residents with the current AAP government and also addresses the party's promises for the city, such as free electricity and the Pyari Didi Yojana. Delhi Congress Chief Devendra Yadav states that the anthem reflects the frustration of the people and the Congress is the only party capable of addressing the issues facing Delhi.
Today marks the 77th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's assassination. On this day, we pay tribute to the great leader who continues to inspire us with his ideas of truth, non-violence, and upliftment for all. Despite his passing, his ideals continue to guide us in our pursuit of a better and more just society. However, with the rise of toxic ideologies and violence, it is crucial to reflect on his message of love and compassion to overcome these challenges.
President Trump has made a statement on his TruthSocial account following the horrific American Airlines crash in Washington D.C overnight. The crash involved a PSA Airlines aircraft and a BlackHawk US Army military helicopter, with 19 bodies recovered so far. The President is being kept updated on the ongoing search efforts.
In a bold and provocative statement, Karnataka BJP MLA Basangouda Patil Yatnal has alleged that former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru may have orchestrated the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Yatnal's remarks come amid increasing tensions within the Karnataka BJP, as he continues to openly criticize party leader B Y Vijayendra. He also claimed that the party high command is well aware of Vijayendra's "misdeeds," leading to speculation about potential leadership changes in the state.
On January 30, the nation solemnly remembers and pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation who was assassinated on this day in 1948. It is a day to reflect on his principles of non-violence, truth, and peace and how they continue to inspire millions worldwide. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Droupadi Murmu and other Ministers paid floral tribute at Rajghat, Gandhi's final resting place. The occasion serves as a reminder to uphold his ideals of peace, unity, and tolerance in the face of modern challenges.
India pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on January 30, marking the day he was assassinated in 1948 while on his way to a prayer meeting. This day is observed as Martyrs' Day to honor all those who sacrificed their lives for the country's independence. Political leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, pay their respects to Gandhi's legacy and the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters and citizens for India's sovereignty. Gandhi's ideals of truth and non-violence continue to inspire efforts towards building a developed India and promoting global movements for justice, peace, and human rights.
Following a deadly stampede at the Maha Kumbh in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj, the state government has introduced five major changes, including declaring the entire fair area a No-Vehicle Zone. The tragedy occurred on one of the most auspicious days of the Kumbh Mela as millions of pilgrims tried to reach the holy waters for a sacred dip. The changes include canceling VVIP passes, implementing one-way routes, restricting vehicle entry, and enforcing strict measures until February 4. To strengthen crowd management efforts, IAS officers Ashish Goyal and Bhanu Goswami, who successfully managed the 2019 Ardh Kumbh, have been directed to reach Prayagraj immediately.
Ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a local community comes together to honor the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement leader. Speakers from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and the NWA MLK Council discuss King's impact and encourage others to take action in their own communities. As we continue to remember and honor King, his words and dream continue to hold power and inspire progress for all.
In a tragic incident at the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, a stampede led to the death of 30 people and injuries to over 90 others. The UP government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has announced a compensation of Rs 25 lakh to the kin of the deceased. Adityanath has also formed a three-member commission, headed by former Justice of the Allahabad High Court, to investigate the incident and suggest measures to prevent such accidents in the future. While the government has started rescue operations, questions are being raised about the cause of the stampede.