India's state broadcaster Prasar Bharti launched a new OTT platform called Waves, available for free on the Play Store. Along with popular shows like Ramayan and Mahabharat, Waves also offers a unique streaming experience with games, shopping, and educational content. As a government-run platform, Waves also provides exclusive content such as FTII and NFDC films and live streams of aartis from the Ram Mandir. With its wide range of content, Waves aims to disrupt the existing private OTT players and provide a convenient alternative for Indian consumers.
Waves: India's State-Backed OTT Platform Disrupts the Market
India's state broadcaster, Prasar Bharti, has launched Waves, a new OTT (over-the-top) platform that aims to revolutionize the entertainment and streaming landscape in the country. Waves is available for free on the Google Play Store and offers a wide range of content, including popular TV shows, films, games, shopping, and educational material.
Content Offerings
Waves boasts a diverse content library that caters to various audiences. Some of the key offerings include:
Target Audience
Waves aims to disrupt the existing private OTT players by targeting the Indian consumer base with a free and comprehensive entertainment experience. The platform's focus on local content and its government backing make it a compelling alternative for those seeking an authentic and affordable streaming option.
1. Is Waves available for free? Yes, Waves is available for free download and use.
2. What devices can I access Waves on? Currently, Waves is only available for Android devices via the Google Play Store.
3. Is Waves a competitor to private OTT platforms? While Waves aims to provide an alternative entertainment experience, it remains to be seen how it will compete with established private OTT players with larger content libraries and global reach.
4. What unique features does Waves offer? Waves offers a blend of traditional and modern entertainment with its focus on local content, exclusive films, and live streaming of religious events. It also incorporates games, shopping, and educational programs to cater to a diverse audience.
5. How does Waves support Indian content creators? Through its partnership with FTII and NFDC, Waves provides a platform for emerging filmmakers and independent creators to showcase their work, fostering the growth of the Indian entertainment industry.
The initial public offering (IPO) of Quadrant Future Tek Limited will open on January 7, 2025, and close on January 9, aiming to raise Rs 290 crore. The book-built issue is entirely fresh, with a price band of Rs 275-290 per share. The proceeds from the IPO will be directed towards the company's working capital requirements, capital expenditure, loan repayment, and general corporate purposes. With the estimated listing price at Rs 470, investors could see a potential gain of 62.07% from the IPO.
The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the answer key for the Technician Grade 3 exam held in 2024. Candidates can raise objections by visiting the official websites of their respective zones and entering their application number and date of birth. The last date to raise objections is January 11, 2025, and a fee of Rs. 50 per question must be paid. If the objection is found to be valid, the fee will be refunded to the candidate. Multiple payment options are available for candidates.
Jagdeep Singh, a self-made Indian-origin entrepreneur, has broken records as the highest-paid CEO in the world with a daily income of Rs 48 crore. With a background in tech giants HP and Sun Microsystems, Singh now leads his own company, Quantumscape, which is revolutionizing electric vehicle batteries with cutting-edge solid-state technology. This achievement not only showcases Singh's passion for innovation but also sets a new standard for corporate leadership.
Jagdeep Singh, former CEO and founder of the American company Quantumscape, has surpassed all compensation records with an annual salary of Rs 17,500 crore. With a remarkable daily earning of Rs 48 crore, Singh has set a new benchmark in the EV industry. Despite stepping down as CEO, he continues to excel in the tech and business worlds with his new venture.
Uber's underperformance in the stock market may not reflect any weakness in the company's business fundamentals. Despite the fear surrounding the potential for robotaxis to disrupt the ride-sharing industry, Uber has the flexibility, financial stability, and adaptability to remain a significant player in the mobility industry. With a strong track record of revenue and profit growth, expanding profit margins, and impressive cash flow, Uber appears undervalued and worth considering as a buy for long-term investors.
A Bengaluru court has granted interim bail to Nikita Singhania, the wife of deceased techie Atul Subhash. Atul had passed away last month, following which Nikita was accused by his family of provoking him to commit suicide. However, the court has granted her bail, allowing for further investigation into the matter. This decision by the court has brought some relief to Nikita and her family amidst this tragedy.
Amazon's chief executive Andy Jassy has announced that all staff will be expected to return to working in the office full-time starting in January. This decision has sparked backlash as it goes against the company's previous hybrid work policy and adds pressure to already overwhelmed corporate staff. Jassy's concern for maintaining Amazon's intense start-up culture and avoiding bureaucratic layers has led to these changes, potentially resulting in job cuts. However, some employees are claiming unfair retaliation, opening up a dispute with labour officials.
With the release of the official notification for SBI PO 2024 expected soon, aspirants need to start preparing early and effectively manage their time to excel in the highly competitive exam. This article provides valuable time management tips for all three stages of the exam, helping candidates stay focused and increase their chances of success. From familiarizing yourself with the exam pattern to mastering each section with strategic time allocation, this guide is a must-read for dedicated SBI PO exam candidates.
The use of AI in the insurance industry has been gaining momentum, with a recent report showing that 29% of working hours in the industry can be automated by gen AI. However, this also raises concerns about maintaining personal connections with clients and using the technology responsibly. The threat of cyberattacks is also increasing, leading to growing costs for Canadian businesses. While AI has the potential to revolutionize tedious tasks and improve fraud detection, it also poses legal and privacy risks if not properly integrated. As a result, CISRO has issued guidelines for insurance intermediaries to help them understand and mitigate these risks when using AI.
DMart, India's leading supermarket chain, saw a surge of 12.33% in its stock following a 17.18% growth in standalone revenue in the third quarter of 2021 compared to the previous year. However, concerns have been raised over increased competition in the industry, with players like Flipkart and Amazon offering home delivery at lower prices. This has led to doubts over DMart's previously unquestioned dominance in terms of price advantage. Despite this, brokerage firms like CLSA continue to suggest an 'Outperform' rating on DMart, citing its strong store addition and same store sales growth.