A Mumbai court has issued a contempt notice to Google's CEO, Sundar Pichai, after the company failed to comply with a Bombay High Court order to remove a defamatory video targeting a spiritual leader. The video, titled "Pakhandi Baba ki Kartut," allegedly damaged the reputation of both the Dhyan Foundation and Yogi Ashwini. Despite the earlier court order, the video remains accessible outside of India, leading to concerns of delay tactics by Google. The court has rejected Google's claim of immunity under the IT Act and the matter is scheduled to be heard again in January.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai Faces Contempt Notice Over Defamatory Video
A Mumbai court has issued a contempt notice to Google CEO Sundar Pichai for failing to comply with a Bombay High Court order to remove a defamatory video from its platform. The video, titled "Pakhandi Baba ki Kartut," allegedly damaged the reputation of both the Dhyan Foundation and Yogi Ashwini.
The defamatory video was uploaded to YouTube in 2020 and quickly went viral. It allegedly contained false and misleading allegations against the Dhyan Foundation, a spiritual organization founded by Yogi Ashwini. The organization and its leader filed a defamation suit against Google, claiming that the video had caused significant damage to their reputation.
In response, the Bombay High Court ordered Google to remove the video within 24 hours. However, the video remained accessible outside of India, leading the court to conclude that Google was using delay tactics.
Court's Decision:
The contempt notice issued by the Mumbai court requires Sundar Pichai to appear before the court on January 17, 2023. The court has rejected Google's claim of immunity under the Information Technology Act (IT Act), which protects intermediaries from liability for content posted by users.
The court's decision is a significant development in the ongoing debate over the responsibility of online platforms for content published on their websites.
Top 5 FAQs:
1. What is the defamatory video about? The video, titled "Pakhandi Baba ki Kartut," contains allegations of fraud and misconduct against the Dhyan Foundation and Yogi Ashwini.
2. Why did the court issue a contempt notice to Sundar Pichai? Google failed to comply with a court order to remove the video.
3. Why is Google using delay tactics? The court believes that Google is delaying the removal of the video to avoid liability for its content.
4. What is the potential impact of the court's decision? The decision could set a precedent for holding online platforms accountable for content published on their websites.
5. What is the next step in the case? Sundar Pichai is scheduled to appear before the court on January 17, 2023.
In a tragic incident on Wednesday evening, a stampede near Vishnu Nivasam in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, killed six devotees and caused injuries to many others. The stampede occurred during preparations for the annual Vaikunta Dwara Darshanam festival, known for its special access to Lord Venkateswara Swamy Temple. Despite efforts by officials to manage the crowds and distribute tokens, the overwhelming number of devotees resulted in a stampede-like situation. An inquiry has been launched to review safety protocols and ensure better crowd management in the upcoming days of the festival.
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Satish is mourning the loss of his wife Lavanya, who tragically died in a stampede at the revered Tirumala temple during the annual pilgrimage. Lavanya had excitedly shared a selfie with her family and friends from the queue for tokens, moments before the stampede occurred. Reports reveal that the incident was triggered by an elderly woman who required medical attention, causing chaos and a surge of devotees towards the gates. The tragedy has shaken the thousands who had gathered for the auspicious occasion.
The fierce wildfires in Los Angeles have claimed the lives of at least five people and destroyed thousands of structures, causing widespread chaos and devastation. As President Biden declares a state of emergency and deploys additional resources to combat the flames, firefighters are hopeful as calmer winds aid containment efforts. However, for many residents, the devastating news of their destroyed homes has come via mobile alerts or television broadcasts, adding to the emotional toll of this tragic event. Meanwhile, California authorities are reminding hotels to uphold laws on fair lodging rates as thousands seek temporary shelter from the fires. The unsettling sight of a mountain lion and its cubs fleeing the fire paints a vivid picture of the terrifying reality facing the affected communities.
At least six people were killed and dozens were injured in a stampede at the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) temple in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. The incident occurred as devotees gathered in large numbers to receive tokens for the Vaikunta Ekadasi festival. The Chief Minister has ordered an inquiry into the incident and will visit the temple on Thursday to announce ex-gratia for the families of the deceased.
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