Former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jairam Thakur hosted a samosa party with BJP workers, in what many saw as a playful jab at the ongoing controversy surrounding current Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu. The issue emerged after reports of missing samosas at a function attended by Sukhu at the CID headquarters, leading to speculation about an investigation. However, the CID Director General clarified that it was not a formal inquiry but merely an internal discussion. This has resulted in a war of words between the Congress government and the BJP, with the opposition accusing the government of having misplaced priorities.
Samosa Controversies: A Culinary Tale of Political Jab and Alleged Missing Delicacies
The samosa, a triangular-shaped pastry filled with various savory ingredients, holds a significant place in Indian cuisine. However, it recently became the subject of a political kerfuffle in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh.
Former Chief Minister's Samosa Party
On January 5, 2023, former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jairam Thakur hosted a "samosa party" with BJP workers, an event widely seen as a dig at the ongoing controversy surrounding the state's current Chief Minister, Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu.
Alleged Missing Samosas at CID Event
Earlier, reports emerged that several samosas went missing at a function attended by Chief Minister Sukhu at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters. This led to speculation about a possible investigation. However, the CID Director General clarified that it was not a formal inquiry but merely an internal discussion.
War of Words
The controversy sparked a war of words between the Congress government led by Sukhu and the opposition BJP. The BJP accused the government of having misplaced priorities, while the Congress downplayed the incident as a minor matter that was being overblown.
Top 5 FAQs and Answers
Q1: What is the background of the samosa controversy?
A1: The controversy stems from allegations that several samosas went missing at a function attended by Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu.
Q2: Was there an official investigation into the missing samosas?
A2: No, the CID Director General clarified that there was no formal inquiry but merely an internal discussion.
Q3: Why did former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur host a samosa party?
A3: The samosa party was seen as a playful jab at the ongoing controversy surrounding Chief Minister Sukhu and the alleged missing samosas.
Q4: What was the reaction from the Congress government to the samosa party?
A4: The Congress government downplayed the incident as a minor matter that was being overblown.
Q5: What is the significance of samosas in Indian cuisine?
A5: Samosas are a popular street food in India, enjoyed as a savory snack or as an accompaniment to meals.
Odisha has become the 34th state to join the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana scheme, much to the appreciation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He criticized the previous BJD government for not adopting the scheme, which aims to provide affordable and high-quality healthcare to all citizens. The new BJP-led government in Odisha has replaced the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana with the Gopabandhu Jan Arogya Yojana, in line with the national health scheme. This move is expected to benefit women and senior citizens in the state.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi launched his party's Delhi campaign with a fiery speech at a public meeting in the Muslim-dominated area of Seelampur. He took aim at both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, accusing them of failing to deliver on their promises. As the Congress sets its sights on reclaiming its minority vote bank, Gandhi reminded the audience of the party's past successes under former CM Sheila Dikshit and promised to prioritize Delhi's development. Despite the AAP and Congress being part of the same INDIA bloc, Gandhi made it clear that the two parties are now strong competitors in the upcoming assembly elections.
Addressing a gathering at the inauguration of the Sonamarg Tunnel, Abdullah lauded Modi's efforts in bridging the gap between the people of Jammu and Kashmir and the central government. He commended the smooth conduct of elections in the Union Territory and expressed hope for the restoration of statehood. Paying homage to the victims of a terrorist attack near the tunnel site, Abdullah affirmed that terrorism will not stop the region's development and democracy.
General Upendra Dwivedi, speaking at the Army's annual press conference, disclosed that only four local men in J&K joined militant ranks in 2020 and that 60% of those killed during counter-terrorism operations were from Pakistan. He emphasized that the local people were in favor of peace and that the violence in the region was being orchestrated by Pakistan. Despite the challenges faced by the Army in the past two years, recent successes in reworking the counter-terrorism grid have led to a positive change and the theme of "terrorism to tourism" is gradually becoming a reality in Jammu and Kashmir.
Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his efforts to bridge the gap between Delhi and Union Territory. He praised the Prime Minister for keeping his promise of conducting Assembly elections in the region and stated that it has led to an increase in trust among the residents. PM Modi inaugurated the 6.5-kilometre Sonamarg Tunnel, which will now be called the Z-Morh Tunnel, in a major infrastructure boost for the region. Chief Minister Abdullah also mentioned the Centre's efforts to reduce the distance between Delhi and the heart of the region, leaving the Prime Minister with a smile.
As the number of women in India's armed forces steadily increases, Army Chief Gen Upendra Dwivedi announces plans for gender neutrality and enhanced roles for women in the military. With approximately 1,700 women officers set to join the Indian Army and other forces after training, the push for a strong and equal female presence in the tri-services is gaining momentum. The Army Chief notes that women officers have been performing exceptionally well, and efforts are being made to ensure a gender-neutral approach to their roles and opportunities in the armed forces.
The National Commission for Women has formed a committee to investigate the brutal killing of a female BPO employee by her colleague in the parking lot of their company. The committee will be headed by NCW Member Secretary Meenakshi Negi and will also include former DGP's Dr B K Sinha and R Sreelekha. The committee's mandate includes identifying lapses in workplace security and bystander inaction, and proposing measures for improving safety in the tech industry.
On the occasion of Swami Vivekananda's 163rd birth anniversary, Union Minister Suresh Gopi addressed party members in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, speaking about the philosopher's vision for a united and developed India. Gopi highlighted the demographic advantage of India, urging the youth to realize their potential in making India a fully developed nation by 2047. He also connected Swami Vivekananda's ideals with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's efforts in shaping the nation. Deeply concerned about rising issues in Kerala, Gopi emphasized the need for universal values of brotherhood and unity to address these challenges.
During a meeting to discuss the devastating California wildfires, US President Joe Biden made a questionable pun that raised eyebrows and sparked backlash on social media. Surrounded by Vice President Kamala Harris and other officials, Biden told those directly affected by the fires to "fire away", to which Harris reacted with a stunned expression. Critics were quick to point out the insensitivity of the statement, questioning the president's priorities and actions in response to the catastrophic event.
In his address at the 18th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed the importance of knowledge and peace, rather than war, in solving problems. He drew parallels to Emperor Ashoka, who renounced violence and spread messages of peace after witnessing the devastation of war. Modi also promised swift action towards addressing concerns of the Indian diaspora and urged Indian youth to play a key role in shaping the country's future.