Renowned director and producer Surya Kiran, who gained recognition for his debut film "Sathyam," sadly passed away due to health complications. Despite his initial success, Surya Kiran faced financial setbacks in his subsequent productions and attempted a comeback through reality show "Bigg Boss Telugu." However, he was eliminated early and faced challenges in reviving his career, including a failed project and disruptions caused by the pandemic. His untimely demise has left the industry and his well-wishers mourning the loss of a talented individual who contributed to the world of cinema.
Surya Kiran, a Talented Director and Producer, Passes Away
Surya Kiran was a renowned director and producer in the Telugu film industry. He made his directorial debut with the critically acclaimed film "Sathyam" in 2002, which won him the Nandi Award for Best Director. The film starred Chiranjeevi and Trisha Krishnan, and was a commercial success.
However, Surya Kiran faced financial setbacks in his subsequent productions. Despite his initial success, his later films failed to perform well at the box office. He attempted to make a comeback through reality show "Bigg Boss Telugu" in 2017, but was eliminated early.
Demise and Impact:
On July 12, 2023, Surya Kiran sadly passed away due to health complications. His untimely demise has sent shockwaves through the industry and his fans.
The loss of Surya Kiran is a huge blow to the Telugu film industry. He was a talented director who made a mark with his debut film. His untimely demise has left a void in the industry that will be difficult to fill.
Top 5 FAQs:
Indian tabla maestro Ustad Zakir Hussain has been admitted to a hospital in the USA and his condition is critical. Amid rumors of his passing, his sister has confirmed that he is alive but in a serious condition. Known as India's greatest export in the music world, his family is asking for prayers for his health and speedy recovery. With an illustrious career spanning decades, Hussain has been awarded numerous prestigious accolades, including three Grammys and the United States National Endowment for the Arts' National Heritage Fellowship.
Lauren Sanchez, fiancée of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, posted a series of Instagram photos including one of her dressed as Catwoman. However, the real buzz began when sharp-eyed users noticed that Bezos himself was cropped out of the photo. With speculations running wild about their upcoming Christmas wedding, Sanchez coyly hinted at possibly taking on the name "Bezos" with a hint of an initial "B" in the photo. This sparked playful memes and banter on social media, with some calling out the power move of cropping out one of the richest men in the world.
Amidst rumors of his demise, renowned musician Zakir Hussain is confirmed to be alive by his sister Khurshid Aulia in an interview with mid-day. This comes after false reports of his passing away started circulating online on Sunday. Fans can rest assured that the legendary tabla player is doing well.
Renowned Indian tabla maestro Zakir Hussain remains in critical condition at a San Francisco hospital, confirmed by family and close associates after false reports of his death surfaced on Sunday. The 73-year-old percussionist, known for his unparalleled artistry and technical brilliance, has been in the hospital's ICU for over two weeks due to serious heart-related ailments. As prayers and support pour in for his recovery, his family urges for accurate information to be shared and for fans to continue praying for his health.
Snap has announced the launch date for this year's Snapchat Recap, a popular feature that allows users to see their most-used filters, music tracks, and Snap creations from the past year. Alongside this announcement, the company also released their "2024 in a Snap" report, which reveals some of the top trends on the platform in 2024. From popular music lenses to the most shared music tracks, users can now relive their year on Snapchat and see what was trending in 2024.
Nikhil Maliyakkal emerged as the winner of Bigg Boss Telugu Season 8, beating out his competitors in an intense finale. His victory is significant as he is a non-Telugu actor who has managed to win over the hearts of viewers, proving that talent knows no language barriers. While some fans felt that the season fell short of its promise of "unlimited twists," Nikhil's win marks a high point in the show's history, adding to its legacy of inclusivity and audience connection. As the eighth season comes to a close, eager fans await the surprises and excitement the next season might bring.
Nidhi Seth, who was previously married to Bigg Boss contestant Karanveer Mehra, has shared the news of her recent engagement on social media. The couple had divorced in 2023 after being married for two years. Nidhi, who did not reveal her fiance's name, expressed her joy through a heartfelt poem and a picture of her engagement ring, creating buzz amongst her fans. Stay tuned for more updates on Nidhi's upcoming marriage.
Ustad Zakir Hussain, hailed as one of the greatest tabla players in Indian classical music, passed away at the age of 73. He was undergoing treatment for serious health complications at a hospital in San Francisco, USA. Known for his unmatched talent and innovation in blending tradition with modernity, Ustad Zakir Hussain was a revered figure in the global music fraternity. His legacy and contributions to fusion music and promoting Indian classical music on a global stage will be remembered forever.
The highly anticipated grand finale of Bigg Boss Telugu 8 is just around the corner as the top 5 contestants gear up for the ultimate battle. From the unique buddy challenge format, zero cash prize, and twists in bedroom allocations to the integration of celebrity promotions, this season has been eventful. With speculations of a special guest appearance and allegations of favoritism, the final winner of Bigg Boss Telugu 8 will surely have a lot to prove. The tension rises as the first eviction from the top 5 is about to take place, who will be the unfortunate one?
The Bar Council of India has announced the release of the admit card for AIBE 19, set to take place on December 22nd. Aspiring candidates who applied for the exam can now access their AIBE 19 admission card 2024 by logging in to the official exam portal. This hall pass will serve as their entry ticket for the exam, which is scheduled to take place from 10 AM to 1 PM.