On the occasion of Shah Rukh Khan's birthday, his wife Gauri Khan and daughter Suhana were seen partying in the city after a star-studded celebration at their home. The actor's house, Mannat, was also decked up in lights for the occasion, while guests from the film industry attended an intimate family dinner. In a recent event in Dubai, Shah Rukh also gave fans a glimpse of his birthday bash, which was combined with a promotion for his son's clothing brand. Fans are eagerly anticipating his much-awaited comeback in entertainment with the film 'King', directed by Sujoy Ghosh and set to star Suhana Khan as well.
On the occasion of iconic Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan's birthday, his family and friends threw him a grand celebration. His wife, Gauri Khan, and daughter, Suhana Khan, were spotted partying in the city after a star-studded bash at their home, Mannat. The palatial residence was adorned with dazzling lights, creating a festive atmosphere for the special occasion.
In an intimate family dinner at Mannat, celebrities from the film industry gathered to toast to the birthday boy. Salman Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, and other close friends attended the exclusive event, sharing laughter and memories with the celebrated actor.
In addition to the glamorous festivities in Mumbai, Shah Rukh Khan also hosted a lavish birthday bash in Dubai. The event doubled as a promotional campaign for his son, Aryan Khan's clothing brand. Fans were thrilled to witness a glimpse of the star's birthday celebrations, which included performances and a festive ambiance.
The anticipation for Shah Rukh Khan's return to the big screen is palpable. His upcoming film, "King," directed by Sujoy Ghosh, is eagerly awaited by fans. The film will also feature his daughter, Suhana Khan, making her acting debut.
Top 5 FAQs and Answers
When is Shah Rukh Khan's birthday?
Where did Shah Rukh Khan celebrate his birthday this year?
Who attended Shah Rukh Khan's birthday party in Mumbai?
What is the name of Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film?
Who is directing "King"?
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