Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal launched the Aam Aadmi Party's 'Budget' Patra campaign, emphasizing the savings of up to ₹35,000 per month for Delhi families under AAP's governance. Kejriwal warned that if the BJP came to power, they would discontinue all the welfare schemes implemented by AAP, such as free electricity, water, education, and bus travel. He also unveiled new initiatives, including benefits for women, students, and senior citizens, expected to further add ₹8,000-₹10,000 in monthly savings. AAP workers will visit households to fill out the 'Bachat Patra' and inform residents about the financial benefits provided by the party.
Kejriwal's 'Bachat Patra': A Strategy to Highlight AAP's Savings for Delhi Families
In the lead-up to the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has launched the Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) "Budget Patra" campaign. This initiative aims to emphasize the substantial savings that Delhi families have accrued under AAP's governance, estimated at up to ₹35,000 per month.
In recent years, AAP has implemented a series of welfare schemes aimed at reducing the financial burden on Delhi residents. These include free electricity, free water up to 20,000 liters per month, free education in government schools, and free bus travel for women.
The 'Bachat Patra' Campaign:
The "Budget Patra" is a document that lists the financial benefits provided by AAP and the corresponding monthly savings for Delhi families. AAP workers will visit households to fill out these forms and inform residents about the schemes.
Kejriwal has also unveiled additional initiatives as part of the campaign, including:
These initiatives are expected to further add ₹8,000-₹10,000 in monthly savings for Delhi families.
Political Context:
The "Budget Patra" campaign is part of AAP's strategy to counter the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) allegations that it has failed to deliver on its promises. Kejriwal has repeatedly accused the BJP of planning to discontinue AAP's welfare schemes if it comes to power.
Top 5 FAQs:
In a major blow to Aam Aadmi Party just days before the Delhi Assembly elections, eight MLAs have resigned from both the party and the Assembly. The legislators, including Naresh Yadav, expressed disappointment with AAP's deviation from its founding principles of honest politics and good governance. Yadav and other MLAs highlighted the party's failure to address crucial issues and alleged that AAP has succumbed to corruption, causing disillusionment among the people of Delhi. Despite their resignation, the MLAs remain committed to serving their constituencies with integrity and pursuing social justice for marginalized communities.
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has accused former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of forcing people in Delhi to drink contaminated water for the past decade. Presenting water samples from both Haryana and Delhi to the media, Saini highlighted the significant difference in water quality, blaming the Delhi government for polluting the Yamuna. He also criticized Kejriwal for attempting to shift the blame onto Haryana instead of focusing on developing Delhi. Saini asserted that the people of Delhi have recognized Kejriwal's deceit and character, and will reject him in the upcoming elections.
The Budget Session of Parliament started off with a controversy as Congress leader Sonia Gandhi made remarks about President Droupadi Murmu's address. The BJP demanded an apology, stating that the President was a tribal woman who should not be underestimated. However, Congress has defended Gandhi's statement, stating that she meant no disrespect and was only expressing empathy for the President's health. This incident has fueled tensions between the two political parties, further highlighting their ideological differences.
Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi has strongly criticised Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi for their recent comments towards India's first tribal woman President Droupadi Murmu. Referring to Sonia's remarks as "reprehensible" and Rahul's comment as "offensive," Majhi denounced their words as an insult to President Murmu and a direct attack on the tribal and marginalized communities she represents. He has called for a formal apology from the Congress leadership and has been joined by many political figures across the country in support of President Murmu.
President Murmu, in her joint address to Parliament, highlighted the government's initiatives for the tribal community, including the 'Dharti Aaba Janjatiya Gram Utkarsh Abhiyan'. She also reiterated the government's commitment to the middle class and reflected on the nation's constitutional journey, commemorating the recent 75-year milestones.
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US President Donald Trump declared a national tragedy after a commercial American Eagle plane crashed into an Army Black Hawk helicopter over the Potomac River, resulting in multiple fatalities. The rescue efforts have now shifted to a recovery mission, with 27 bodies recovered so far and more expected to be found. While the cause of the crash is still unclear, Trump used the opportunity to criticize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and blamed previous administrations for their diversity hiring policies.
The Election Commission of India has demanded that former Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal provide factual evidence for his allegation that Yamuna water has been poisoned. The Commission has given a deadline for Kejriwal to submit the evidence, and warned that if he fails to do so, appropriate action will be taken. Kejriwal has accused the Commission of being biased and has refused to comply with their demands.