Kareena Thapa, a domestic help from Amravati, will be honoured with the prestigious Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar for her courageous actions during a devastating fire at her workplace. Her timely intervention prevented a potential explosion and saved the lives of 70 families. As she prepares to receive the award on Veer Bal Diwas, her story serves as a testament to the incredible bravery and selflessness of ordinary individuals in extraordinary circumstances.
Braveheart Women: Kareena Thapa's Heroic Act Inspires and Empowers
Throughout history, countless women have demonstrated extraordinary courage and selflessness in the face of adversity. From the legendary Joan of Arc to modern-day heroes like Kareena Thapa, their stories serve as a testament to the indomitable spirit that resides in every woman.
Kareena Thapa's Story
Kareena Thapa, a domestic help from Amravati, Maharashtra, has become a national icon for her bravery and quick thinking. In April 2022, a devastating fire broke out at the construction site where she was working. With no time to hesitate, Kareena rushed to the kitchen and turned off the gas valve, preventing a potential explosion that could have claimed the lives of 70 families residing in the neighboring building.
Her courageous actions were recognized by the Indian government, and she was awarded the prestigious Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar for her extraordinary bravery. Her story has inspired countless women and girls across India, reminding them that even ordinary individuals can make an extraordinary difference.
Top 5 FAQs
1. What is the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar?
The Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar is India's highest civilian honor for children who have demonstrated exceptional bravery, outstanding academic achievement, or outstanding creativity in cultural or sports activities.
2. Why was Kareena Thapa awarded the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar?
Kareena Thapa was awarded the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar for her courageous actions in preventing a gas explosion during a fire.
3. How old is Kareena Thapa?
Kareena Thapa is currently 17 years old.
4. What are Kareena Thapa's future plans?
Kareena Thapa aspires to become a police officer and serve her community.
5. What is the significance of Kareena Thapa's story?
Kareena Thapa's story is a testament to the power of courage, selflessness, and the indomitable spirit that exists within all women. Her actions have inspired countless individuals and serve as a role model for future generations.
Kareena Thapa's heroic act is a reminder that true heroism can be found in the most unexpected of places. By recognizing and celebrating the bravery of women like her, we empower future generations to embrace their own potential and make a positive impact on the world.
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Sakat Chauth, also known as Tilkuta Chauth, Vakratundi Chaturthi, and Maghi Chauth, is a significant Hindu festival observed on the fourth day of the Krishna Paksha in the month of Magh. This year, it will be celebrated on January 17, 2025. On this day, women fast and pray for the well-being of their sons, offering Tilkuta prasad to Lord Ganesha. It is believed that this ritual removes all obstacles and troubles from one's life. However, readers are advised to consult a qualified expert before implementing any information or beliefs discussed in this article.
In his 1 year of experience, Dr. Darshan Raval has treated over 5,000 patients with a primary focus on cardiovascular, endocrine, kidney, and liver diseases. With a MD in internal medicine, numerous publications, and fluency in English, Hindi, and Gujarati, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his patients. Book your appointment for 24-hour consultation with Dr. Raval now.
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Enjoy your daily dose of news and entertainment with the January 13, 2025 e-Paper, featuring books of the week, reviews, excerpts, new titles, features, and news and reviews from the world of cinema and streaming. Stay informed with "Data Point" as it decodes the headlines with facts, figures, and numbers, and also get expert advice on health and wellness with "Health Matters." Additionally, "The View from India" provides a unique perspective on world affairs, "Science for All" makes science accessible and fun, "Karnataka Today" brings you the top news highlights from the state, and "Today's Cache" keeps you updated with the top 5 technology stories of the day.
CEOs of major tech companies, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg, will be present at Donald Trump's inauguration on Monday. There has been backlash from the public, as these CEOs have shown support for Trump despite his controversial policies. Meanwhile, PM Narendra Modi urges for advancements in weather surveillance technology to improve forecast accuracy and reduce casualties in India.
As per astrological calculations, Makar Sankranti, the festival of the Sun's transition into Capricorn, will be observed on a different date in the future. The gradual delay in the Sun's movement has caused a shift in the date of the festival, and it is predicted that it will continue to move forward in the coming years. Experts share insights on the festival's history and the possible significance of its shifting date. Disclaimer: Consultation with an expert is recommended before implementing any information or belief presented.